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Giordano Stolley

About Me

Have an assignment? Need an image? Contact me.

+49-151-2275 1668

New York Times
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Ich bin ein erfahrener Fotograf mit südafrikanischen Wurzeln, spezialisiert auf Porträts und redaktionelle Fotografie. Mehr als zehn Jahre habe ich international als Fotojournalist  gearbeitet, meine Bilder sind auf der ganzen Welt veröffentlicht worden, unter anderem von Associated Press, New York Times und Daily Mail, um nur einige zu nennen.
Ich liebe Fotos, die beim Betrachter eine Emotion hervorrufen und habe mich in. letzter Zeit viel mit situativen Porträts und Charakterporträts beschäftigt, mit Forografien, die etwas über einen Menschen erzählen. Inspiration finde ich bei großen Vorbildern wie Arnold Newman, Irving Penn, Richard Avedon, Peter Lindbergh und Gregory Heissler. Sie spornen mich an zu versuchen, bei jedem Assignment etwas Neues und Anderes zu schaffen. Auch gern für Sie, wenn Sie mögen!
Auch wenn ich hauptsächlich Porträts und Fotojournalismus mache – ich bin technisch versiert und auch abenteuerlustig genug, um auch Ausflüge in die Werbe- und Produktfotografie zu machen.


I am an a experienced award-winning photographer based in the north of Germany, who specializes in portrait and editorial photography. With over 10 years of experience in the field as a journalist and photojournalist, my images have been published across the globe, including by the likes of the Associated Press, New York Times, Daily Mail to mention a few.

I am a lover of images that evoke a feeling or emotion in the viewer. Character portraits, environmental portraits that tell you something about a person. I find inspiration from photographers like Arnold Newman, Richard Avedon, Irving Penn, Peter Linbergh and Gregory Heissler. 

While portraits and photojournalism are what I do mostly, I am adventurous enough to undertake a bit of commercial and product photography. And have done so successfully.

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/ some publications where I am aware that my images have appeared ...

African News Agency ANA, Cape Town, South Africa

Associated Press, New York, USA

Austrian Press Association APA, Vienna, Austria

The Bangkok Post, Bangkok, Thailand

The Baltimore Sun, Baltimore MD, USA

Bloemfontein Courant, Bloemfontein, South Africa

The Cape Argus, Cape Town, South Africa

The Citizen, Johannesburg, South Africa

The Daily Mail, London, United Kingdom

The Daily News, Durban, South Africa

The Diamond Fields Advertiser, Kimberley, South Africa

IOL, Johannesburg, South Africa

The Independent on Saturday, Durban, South Africa

The Mail & Guardian, Johannesburg, South Africa

Maroela Media, South Africa

News24, Cape Town, South Africa

The New York Times, New York, USA

The New Zealand Herald, Auckland, New Zealand

The Sowetan, Johannesburg, South Africa

The Otago Daily Times, Dunedin, New Zealand

The Sunday Times, Johannesburg, South Africa

The Sunday Tribune, Durban, South Africa

The Toronto Sun, Toronto, Canada.

The Witness, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa

The Western Australian, Perth, Australia

The Vancouver Sun, Vancouver, Canada

Sunday Times
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/ a few awards ...

2024 Asia Pacific Photography Awards, Portraiture Category, Highly Commended.

2022 Asia Pacific Photography Awards, Photojournalism Category, Silver, 6th Place

2022 Asia Pacific Photography Awards, Photojournalism Category, One Highly Commended

2022 Asia Pacific Photography Awards, One Highly Commended in the Portrait Category.

2022 Asia Pacific Photography Awards, Three Highly Commended Awards in the Landscape Category.

2022 2022 Asia Pacific Photography Awards, One Highly Commended in the Black and White Category.

2021 Nikon IRIS Awards - Silver Award, Student Category
2021 Nikon IRIS Awards - Bronze Award, Student Category
2021 Asia Pacific Photography Awards - Silver Award
2021 Asia Pacific Photography Awards - Top 20 Finalist in the Black and White Photography Category. 

2021 Asia Pacific Photography Awards - Two Highly Commended Awards in the Black and White Category

2021 Asia Pacific Photography Awards - Highly Commended in the Portrait Category

Asia Pacific Photography Awards

/ some commerical clients ...

Appliance Repair Care, Wanganui, New Zealand

Alf Downs Street Lighting, Marton, New Zealand

K2 Management, Hamburg, Germany

OAD Reizen, Goor, Netherlands

Peacock & Sons, Marton, New Zealand

PEC, Marton, New Zealand

Pip's Barbershop, Marton, New Zealand

Pix.City Digital Marketing, Paris, France

Rebecca Dernbach Fotodesign, Taunusstein-Bleidenstadt, Germany

Station Hotel, Hunterville, New Zealand

Printmaker and Artist Desiree Singer, Marton, New Zealand

Tāmata Hauhā, Marton, New Zealand

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Int'l+49-151-2275 1668

Fotograf in Ahrensburg

© All images are protected by copyright. Send an email should you wish to use/purchase an image. / Alle Bilder sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Senden Sie eine E-Mail, wenn Sie ein Bild verwenden/kaufen möchten.

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